Terms and Conditions

Get to know about Skima AI's terms and conditions in regard to user accounts, data privacy, usage policies, intellectual property, and more.

Updated over a week ago

Effective Date: August 28, 2023


Welcome to Skima AI-Based Recruitment Software ("Skima"). We are excited to have you on board. Before you start utilizing our advanced AI-powered recruitment software, we kindly request that you carefully review and understand the following specific Terms and Conditions. By accessing or using Skima, you explicitly express your consent to comply with and be legally bound by these terms. If you find yourself in disagreement with any part of these terms, we sincerely ask that you refrain from using Skima.

These Terms and Conditions constitute a legally binding agreement between you and Skima, governing your use of our software. We encourage you to read through these terms meticulously as they outline important information about your rights, responsibilities, and limitations when using Skima.

Our goal is to provide you with a seamless and effective recruitment solution through Skima's AI-based technology. Your acceptance of these terms is a crucial step in this collaborative journey. If you have any questions or concerns about any aspect of these terms, please feel free to reach out to us for clarification.

Entering These Terms & Conditions With Skima

The use of the Skima Services is subject to acceptance of these Terms and Conditions. To accept these Terms and Conditions, a person must have the legal capacity to do so. In the case of an individual, the individual must be at least 18 years of age. In the case of a legal entity, the entity must be duly incorporated and in good standing in its jurisdiction of domicile and the person accepting must have the corporate authority to accept these Terms and Conditions.

You may not, without Skima’s prior written consent, access the Skima Services:

i. For reproduction purposes.

ii. If you are a competitor of Skima.

iii. To monitor the availability, performance, or functionality of the Skima Services; or

iv. For other benchmarking or competitive purposes.

Skima can terminate your use of the Skima Services for any of the above reasons, or any other reason, or no reason at all, at Skima’s sole discretion.

If you accessed Skima Services for the reasons stated above, Skima may take legal action for compensation.

Changes to Terms

At Skima, we believe in continually enhancing our services to better meet your needs. As a result, we reserve the right to make updates and modifications to these Terms and Conditions as required. We want to ensure that you're well-informed about any changes, so we've outlined the process below.

i. Notification of Changes: If we decide to modify these terms, we will notify you through prominent communication channels. This may include sending you an email notification to the address associated with your Skima account or displaying a notice on our website.

ii. Effective Date: Any changes to the terms will become effective immediately upon posting the revised version on the Skima platform. We encourage you to regularly review the Terms and Conditions to stay informed about any updates.

iii. Acceptance of Changes: Your continued use of Skima after the revised terms have been posted indicates your acceptance of these changes. By continuing to use our services, you acknowledge that you have reviewed the updated terms and agree to be bound by them.

iv. Retaining Previous Versions: We understand that transparency is important. If you would like to refer to a previous version of the Terms and Conditions, please contact us, and we will provide you with the relevant information.

User Accounts

To fully leverage the capabilities of Skima, it is essential to create a user account. This personalized account grants you access to select features that are tailored to your recruitment needs. As you embark on this journey, we'd like to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the user account process and your responsibilities.

i. Account Creation: The process of establishing a user account requires your accurate and complete information. We ask that you furnish us with the details required for registration, ensuring that the information you provide is up-to-date and precise.

ii. Confidentiality and Security: Safeguarding the confidentiality of your account credentials is of utmost importance. You are solely responsible for maintaining the security of your account login information, including your username and password. This information serves as your digital key to accessing Skima's functionalities.

iii. Account Activities: Any activities or actions that occur under your user account are your responsibility. This includes interactions, updates, communications, and data input. By taking ownership of these actions, you contribute to the integrity of your experience and the overall functioning of Skima.

iv. Unauthorized Access: If, at any point, you suspect or detect unauthorized access to your user account, we urge you to take immediate action. Notify us promptly through the designated channels so that we can assist you in securing your account and addressing the situation appropriately.

Data Privacy

At Skima, protecting your privacy is a cornerstone of our commitment to providing a secure and trustworthy platform.

i. Your Data's Integrity: We hold your personal and sensitive data in the highest regard. Our comprehensive Privacy Policy outlines the exact details of what data we collect, why we collect it, and how we utilize it to enhance your experience with Skima.

ii. Consent and Usage: Your choice to use Skima implies your explicit consent to the collection, usage, and storage of your data in accordance with our Privacy Policy. By providing this consent, you enable us to tailor our services to your needs, offering you a more personalized and effective recruitment process.

iii. Transparency and Control: Our Privacy Policy is designed to be transparent and easily accessible. It informs you about your rights and choices concerning your data, including how you can update or delete information as needed. We believe that informed users are empowered users.

iv. Data Security: We implement rigorous security measures to ensure the safety of your data. Our commitment to data security includes advanced encryption, secure storage practices, and proactive measures to prevent unauthorized access.

v. Third-Party Sharing: It's important to note that we engage trusted third-party service providers to assist us in delivering our services. Rest assured, these providers are carefully selected and held to high standards to protect your data.

vi. Your Role in Data Protection: While we take every possible precaution to protect your data, your active involvement is crucial. Protecting your account login details and promptly reporting any suspicious activity or breaches are key steps you can take to bolster your data's security.

Proper Use

Maintaining the integrity of Skima's platform is essential to ensuring a productive and secure environment for all users. By using Skima, you acknowledge and commit to the responsible and ethical use of our software.

i. Lawful and Ethical Use: Your utilization of Skima is expected to adhere to all applicable laws and regulations. Engaging with the platform in a lawful and ethical manner is pivotal in fostering a community of integrity and professionalism.

ii. Preserving Functionality and Security: Any actions that could disrupt, impair, or compromise the functionality or security of Skima or its users are strictly prohibited. This includes avoiding actions that could cause system malfunctions, data breaches, or other negative impacts.

iii. User Respect and Professionalism: We encourage you to engage with fellow users and candidates with respect and professionalism. Conducting yourself ethically in all communications and interactions upholds the positive atmosphere we aim to foster.

iv. Content and Communication: You are responsible for the content you generate, share, or communicate through Skima. Ensure that your content adheres to legal and ethical standards and does not infringe on the rights of others.

v. Intellectual Property: Respecting intellectual property rights is paramount. Any use, reproduction, or distribution of content from Skima or its users without proper authorization is prohibited.

vi. Proactive Responsibility: As a user, you have a role in the health of the Skima community. If you come across any issues or activities that could potentially compromise Skima's functionality or security, we encourage you to report them promptly.

Intellectual Property

We take pride in the originality and innovation embedded within Skima's content, features, and design. These elements collectively contribute to the distinctive nature of our platform.

i. Protected Creations: Skima's content, features, and design are safeguarded by intellectual property laws, including copyright and trademark laws. This protection extends to the unique concepts, visual representations, and functionalities that define Skima's identity.

ii. Respecting Ownership: Unauthorized reproduction, distribution, modification, or creation of derivative works based on any part of Skima is strictly prohibited. This includes refraining from copying, adapting, or replicating Skima's elements in any manner that may compromise the distinctiveness of the platform.

iii. Written Consent: Any utilization of Skima's elements beyond their intended use requires explicit written consent from us. If you are interested in repurposing or reproducing any aspects of Skima, we encourage you to reach out to us to discuss the possibility of obtaining the necessary permissions.

iv. Preserving Innovation: Upholding the principles of intellectual property ensures that the innovations we introduce remain exclusive to Skima. This fosters a culture of innovation, encourages continuous improvement, and ultimately benefits all users.

Disclaimer of Warranty

Skima's commitment to transparency includes providing you with a clear understanding of the warranty status of our software.

i. "As Is" Basis: Skima is offered on an "as is" basis. This means that the software is provided without any warranties, either expressed or implied. We want you to be aware that there are no additional assurances beyond what is explicitly stated in these terms.

ii. No Guarantees: We do not guarantee the accuracy, reliability, or suitability of Skima for your specific needs. While we strive to provide a valuable and effective recruitment solution, the software's performance and outcomes may vary depending on a multitude of factors.

iii. Use at Your Own Risk: Your use of Skima is entirely at your own risk. This means that any decisions, actions, or outcomes resulting from your use of the software are your responsibility. We encourage you to thoroughly evaluate the software's compatibility with your requirements before using it.

iv. Assessing Suitability: We recommend that you assess Skima's suitability for your recruitment needs before incorporating it into your processes. It's important to align your expectations with the software's capabilities and limitations.

By using Skima, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and accepted the terms outlined in this disclaimer.

Limitation of Liability

Skima and its creators are not liable for indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or punitive damages stemming from the use or inability to use Skima. This encompasses a range of potential adverse outcomes, such as financial losses, operational disruptions, and reputational harm. The limitation of liability extends to situations where Skima cannot be used. By using Skima, you accept these limitations and are encouraged to manage risks associated with its use, while understanding that Skima's creators are not held responsible for the outlined types of damages. If you have questions or concerns, our support team is here to assist.


Termination Authority: Skima reserves the right to terminate or suspend your access to the platform at our sole discretion. This decision may be made without prior notice and is based on various factors.

Reasons for Termination: There are several reasons that may lead to the termination or suspension of your access to Skima. These include, but are not limited to, violations of these terms and conditions. We expect users to adhere to the guidelines and principles set forth in this document.

User Accountability: It's crucial to understand that your responsible and lawful use of Skima is a shared responsibility. In cases where your actions or behavior are deemed detrimental to the community or the platform's integrity, termination or suspension may be considered.

Communication: While termination or suspension may occur without prior notice, we recognize the importance of clear communication. If you believe your access has been unjustly affected or have questions about this process, please reach out to our support team.

Contact Us

If you have questions about the terms or anything related to Skima, don't hesitate to reach out to us at tem@skima.ai. Your inquiries, feedback, and concerns are important to us. Our dedicated support team is here to assist you with technical help, clarifications, and more. We believe in transparent communication and value your input in enhancing Skima. Your journey with us is a collaborative one, and we're excited to hear from you.

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